

Monday, 28 June 2010

How Can You Say It's Too Hot?!?

HoW CaN YoU SaY It's ToO HoT?!?

The general public, and by general public I mean Great Britan, are quite hypocritical when it comes to the favoured topic of weather. - And I mean 'hypocritical' in the nicest way possible, noting I'm British'

Come in to my time machine, and let me take you back to July 2008, or was it 2009? Or even June??? Anyway, my point is, when the floods hit town and everybodies houses got flooded by sewage and rain water, we were ALL wishing for sunshine, ice-creams and beaches! As well as new furniture and appliances.
Then come December/January time, still no sun, but snow! We we're all gob-smacked that we've all been 'blessed' with snooooow. 4 days later we were bored shitless of it and, the wait for heat went on...

Now, when we eventually recieved the miracle of sun (about 20 degress or somthing) the radio waves were blurting out qoutes like these; Hottest day of the year! - Heart radio / Hosepipe bans coming our way? -Unknown, and ...since records began.

What I'm getting at is...

About June 14th/June 15th 2010, the sun shadowed over us!!! Reaching heat like non before and NOTHING was on the radio such as the above qoutes. To my knowledge, the only thing that got effected by the scorching heat was the rise in sales of ICE CUBES! And don't get me started on the sale of ice cubes, why - on - Earth would you BUY ice?!? You can MAKE it yourself at home! IT'S CONSTANTLY BEING PRODUCED IN YOUR FREZZER!!! - Plus, that £2.79 could by you like 3 and a half Calippo's!

That's my moaning over...
...I need some ice for my lemonade. I hope Tesco haven't ran out!


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